All photos on this website are divided into categories. Each country is a separate category. If you go to ‘photographs’ in the menu, photos are shown in chronological order. The overview above shows all categories, including the number of posts (photos) in that category. Each post is also provided with tags. Frequently used tags are ‘exterior’, ‘interior’ and ‘optic’. When clicking a tag, all posts (photos) with that tag are displayed in chronological order. One category is set up as a blog. Posts such as travel reports are placed in this category.
- Blog (1)
- Photographs (965)
- Belgium (37)
- Croatia (22)
- Denmark (62)
- France (88)
- Germany (83)
- Ireland (14)
- Italy (8)
- Man (Isle of) (209)
- Portugal (5)
- Spain (57)
- The Netherlands (284)
- United Kingdom (93)